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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Stay away from malls/shopping centers to save money!

I am addicted to shopping, doesn’t matter what it is from stuff for home to clothes to toiletries I love it! For me it’s not just buying stuff, it’s the whole process going to find the perfect scarf or dress or jumper or necklace or bedspread or random ornament or anything!

How many days in Thailand?

It’s hard isn’t it? To keep that wallet in your pocket while you dream of visiting somewhere far away. You can imagine yourself on that beach in Thailand; feel the sun on your skin and taste the salty air…and yet the draw of that new pair of jeans or night out on the town is stronger […]

Save Money by Reducing Your Vampire Power

Did you know that you could save money this month by simply unplugging your household appliances and devices each night?

Frugal February Challenge #2

A week ago we introduced you to the first Frugal February challenge – to keep a change jar for the remainder of the month. For those of you participating, how are you going so far? We just had a quick […]

Doing Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Valentine’s Day is on Monday and for those of us in relationships, it’s a day that can easily ruin your entire February budget. In fact, for many people it’s the most expensive day of the year as they express their […]

Saving Money with Water

A simple way to save money is to drink water. First off, take a look at how much you spend in a week on drinks. At 2 bucks a drink just 3 times a day that is 42 dollars in a week. And really, do we need to have soda or juice at every meal?